The Story

Luxury furnished and unfurnished rentals with flexible lease terms.

This is a much desired and needed concept in Northern Colorado.

People are always coming and going; it’s part of the human condition. Decisions are hard. We want to live, be comfortable, have less responsibility - all without feeling stuck. Who wants to be locked into a rental for 12 months? I don’t want to decide what I’m having for dinner, let alone, decide where I want to be next year. Are you in the same boat?

The future is unknown to all of us. We need a living environment that provides this type of flexibility and satisfaction. However, finding a well-managed rental that meets this criteria is like finding sugar at the grocery store during a pandemic.

After working in the real estate and property management industry for 17 years, I decided to bring to fruition the concept of luxury furnished and unfurnished rentals with a flexible lease option. Not to be confused with vacation or short-term rentals, as all lease terms range from a minimum of 30 days to 12+ months.

Over the recent years, we have seen a paradigm shift in how humans view their living situation. The huge house with a picket fence is going out of style. We want less responsibility and hassle-free living. Especially now with a pandemic, the need for furnished housing is in more demand than ever. The ability to work from home has sparked an interest in moving to another location for awhile, because, why not?! There are many other reasons why someone may need this concept, and it’s available to anyone who qualifies.

After testing this business model for 8 years, I have found that folks are most interested in quality homes, in the hottest locations, near the best amenities. For this reason, we have chosen properties that are new construction or within a few years old.

It’s more than just a rental. I am also focused on “building healthy relationships between creative landlords and smart tenants”.

I am an industry leader in property management, providing the management expectation tenants have been craving since the industry was created.

This. Is. My. Passion.

What’s In a Name?

This part is about you.

ECOTENANT: a mindful, fun, and deserving tenant that loves their living environment.